Tuesday, March 27, 2007

All things grammar....and stuff.

So...those close to me may or may not have noticed my efforts in the past few months to improve my grammar and speech.

All my life I've rebelliously been saying "Me and..." instead of "...and I". Now I am trying to change it and I've found the only way to do so is to make a conscious and verbal effort. So when I hear myself say, "me and..." I have been correcting myself out loud.

I've also been trying to stop saying "like" so often. That one is harder. When you're used to telling a story saying, "And he was like," "And I was like," and so on, it's difficult to tell a story without it!

Part of the reason I've been doing this is simply because I want to improve myself. The other part is because I am going to be a teacher and I don't want to teach poor english and bad habits.

In light of this post, I thought it fitting to tell you all about Grammar Girl. (When I say her name, in my head I hear the theme song to Hercules).

She has this website where she answers questions, dispells grammar myths, and corrects common grammar errors. I was checking out Jenna's blog and she had seen Grammar Girl (Hercules!) on Oprah. I'll quote Jenna: "Ha ha, and Grammar Girl is even funny!! You can look her up if you are a geek like me and are interested." And I thought...I am! And I am! So I looked her up and she's great. She validates some of the things that bug me about peoples' writing. You guys should check her out too.

On that note...here's a bit of random stuff that I thought fit in here.

Why is is that when I spell my name "G-I-N-A" people write "J-I-N-A"???

And when I tell people I teach "ballroom dancing" they think I say either "bar dancing" or "Barn dancing"???

And when I say my phone number "1-6-3-6" they think I said "1-6-2-6"???


Monday, March 26, 2007

Such fun!

It’s a Two-by-Two survey!

Answer with things that are relevant to you RIGHT NOW on this day—the 26th of March, 2007 (or whenever you do it). And you know the drill, don’t you? Put your answers in my comments section; let me know if you are posting it on your own blog; answer just a few if you don’t have time; or ignore it altogether! LOL (But I really do hope you’ll join in the fun!)

Two Names You Go By
1. Miss Gina
2. Gigi

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. U of S Scrubs
2. “Shorty’s Skateboards” bunnyhug

Two Things You Have to Have in a Relationship:
1. Laughter
2. Trust

Two of Your Favorite Things to Do
1. Sleep
2. Writing in notebooks…I love it!!!

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment
1. a really loooonnnnngggg night’s sleep
2. popcorn

Two Pets You Had
1. A cat named Murphy
2. A bunch of fish all named after characters from The Little Mermaid (Ariel, Sebastien, Scuttle, Flounder…)

Two People Who Will Fill This Out
1. Shannon
2. Regan

Two Things You Did Last Night
1. Went to Small Group at Shawn and Lisa’s
2. Fell asleep on the couch

Two Things You Ate Today
1. A yummy salad
2. One of my very favourite things…yogurt and berries from the university

Two People You Last Talked To
1. Regan
2. Colleen

Two Favorite Places
1. Church
2. My parent’s house

Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow
1. Going to class
2. Going to Taya's to help her peel 14 dozen hard boiled eggs for sandwiches for a funeral (another guilty pleasure...I LOVE peeling hard boiled eggs!)

Two Longest Car Rides
1. Saskatoon to Florida
2. Burstall to Mexico

Two Favorite Holidays
1. Christmas
2. April 16th--My birthday (I know, not actually a holiday but it is to me! Although this year I have a final on my birthday…oh well…I guess that’s better than having a final the day after my birthday!)

Two Guilty Pleasures
1. Blogging and reading other people’s blogs
2. Adding jewelry to my wish list on the Tiffany & Co. Website

Two Things I Last Got in the Mail
1. Junk mail
2. Cell phone bill

Two Things that Make Me Laugh
1. When Leticia pinches my bum
2. Dorian

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fielding discussion, I guess...

This isn't coming from anywhere in particular...well, sort of, but don't read anything into this.

When someone has let you down more than once yet continues to make promises...where do you draw the line? And where do you find the balance between forgiveness and self-protection? Or do you continue putting yourself out there...and not just with that person but with other people as well (as we all know that feelings from one relationship filter into others). Being disappointed by one person may affect how you react to a hurt or disappointment inflicted by another person.

One of my profs was talking to us about children and forgiveness a couple of weeks ago. In his elementary classroom he teaches his students that when someone hurts you and then apologizes, not to say "That's okay"...because it isn't okay for them to hurt you and saying that's okay implies that it is. Rather, he teaches them that when someone apologizes we should reply "Thank you for apologizing" or "I accept your apology."

I guess one strategy would be to stop expecting anything out of that person or people in general. Then you won't be disappointed, right? But that seems unfair to people to expect so little of them. I know that actions speak louder that words but then what about forgiveness?

The other strategy is to forgive and forget...I feel like I've done a lot of that in the past and sometimes it just sucks because realistically, it's impossible to forget, right? Because when someone lets you down, that familiar feeling of disappointment creeps back in...

So where does one set one's standards? You don't want to set your standards too high or no one will be able to live up to them....on the other hand, you don't want to be someone that everyone will just walk all over.

Just some thoughts...

following in Leah's footsteps...

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.

Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.

You cherish all of the details in life.

Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The last picture I posted of Regan didn't show off how beautiful she is. So here is a lovely picture of princess Regan with Jon, her prince.

Shopping is fun when it's not your money!!!

Well, that didn't take long! I had some free time today so I decided to go spend the money my dance class gave me!

First of all I took Mya to get a bath. Now she's shiny and gorgeous again...not that it'll last long!

Then I went and found a new top to wear to the dance on Saturday! It's our last ballroom dance of the year!

And then....SHOES!!!!!!!!!!! Shannon will be happy about the brown ones because it means I won't have to borrow hers anymore!

And I needed a new pair of black heels. (Regan and Jon...they're
"deet deet deet" shoes!)

And now I must be off to Daygrow...we have an orientation for Gardenscape!


Monday, March 19, 2007

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only [twenty-three]

So Dorian and I taught our last dance class of the year tonight. We had a really fun year...we both thought that this class was our best class so far--they were so fun and every joke we made they just ate right up. And we had lots of keeners in this class so we taught them extra stuff, more than just what was in the beginner curriculum.

Anyway, we had a really good class tonight and one of the couples called Dorian and I forward to thank us on behalf of the class. They gave us each a card they had all signed and written messages on (some of them were HILARIOUS--like the older gentleman who thanked me for giving him some class!) and envelopes with money that they had collected! I was thinking it would be like, $50 bucks each or something but it was way more...$130 EACH!!!

Here's a picture of Dorian.

Last year we got gift certificates for new dance shoes (which was about $120 each) but it was from a couple in our dance class, not from the whole class. And it was because Al lost a bet of sorts. Funny story, really. We were at a dance and some of the men in our class started joking around about how they've noticed that when Dorian and I are teaching, I always have to add on (or "one up" as they called it) to what Dorian says. They said I couldn't go one class without adding on to what Dorian says and I commented "Oh, that sounds like a bet!" So the bet was that if I could go a whole class, they had to buy me new dance shoes. And if I COULDN'T, then I had to jump out of a cake at the one guy's son's wedding. So anyway, I did just fine the next class so I won the bet! The thing is, I thought it was clear that I never intended to follow through on my side of the bet in the event that I lost, so I wasn't expecting anything...it was just really fun to make a point of NOT saying anything after Dorian talked. But, Al and Lori are generous and appreciative and so they insisted on buying us new dance shoes!

So now I have this unexpected $130 and I was given clear instructions not to waste this money on "frivolous things like bills and such" by one of the ladies in the class.

So what to do with it?

Any ideas?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A thought from tonight

I was at my Small Group tonight and my friend Jenn pointed out something from The Purpose Driven Life (the book we're studying) that is really quite profound.

"The Bible tells us to 'give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.' How is this possible? Notice that God tells us to give thanks 'in all circumstances' not 'for all circumstances.'"

I had never heard it phrased quite that way. Makes sense.


Last night I went to Premonition with Emma and my sister Shannon.

Here's a picture of Emma.

And here's one of Shannon under some weird thing in Mexico.

And here's one of Shannon's feet.

Anyway, after a bit of drama finding each other at the movie (because Shannon didn't have her cell phone) there were like a billion previews. Now, I generally enjoy watching previews but after watching Premonition, I wished that I hadn't seen the trailer at all. It kind of ruined the movie a bit for us. What's with previews lately anyway? Like, I know they want you to get an idea of what the movie is about but the goal should be to INTRIGUE the viewer, not tell them the whole story! Could someone please get into the movie industry and teach these people a thing or two about making trailers?

I would myself but I don't have time.

That being said, we did really enjoy the movie. Sandra Bullock was excellent. I really enjoy her as an actress and I'm happy for her that she finally did a good film after a couple of not so great ones. The thing is...I don't know about you guys but I would have been willing to overlook a lot in Miss Congeniality 2 if only Benjamin Bratt would have been in it. Whoever decided to have them break up in the first 5 minutes of the movie is stupid. He's hot.

Next weekend is Gardenscape, which is the official start of my job this summer! So this week will be filled with homework and getting ready for next weekend. Busy busy busy...I wonder what it's like to be not busy. Probably boring...and wonderful.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Girls gone wild!

So I attend this ladies group that meets once a month at a different person's house. We have awesome conversations...very honest and ya, there are little to no topics that are considered taboo. Here are a couple of pictures of GIRLS GONE WILD from tonight!!!! (I'm sure Tracy and Regan are going to love me for this!)

And here are a couple of pictures of my Walter because he's just so darn cute! His new favourite place to hang out is on top of my fridge.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Guess who's coming for dinner!"

So we had the coolest choir social on Sunday! It was called "Guess who's coming for dinner" and it was a very fun idea.

So you either sign up as a guest or a host and if you sign up as a guest, you indicate how many people who will be with you (children, spouse, significant other, etc.) and whether you'll be bringing a salad or dessert. Hosts are responsible for the main course. Then Pastor Blaine made up groups and decided where everyone was going. We didn't know anything until Sunday after the second service when Blaine handed us out our "sealed envelopes" which we had to open privately. All it had was the address of where we were going and a contact number. So guests didn't know who's house they were going to until the door opened. And hosts didn't know who was coming for dinner until they opened the door.

Blaine had put together the groups with the idea that we would all get to know people we didn't usually have a chance to spend much time with. I was at Colleen and Graeme's house (where I had just been for a games night the night before) with my friend Dale, two mezzo sopranos (who I already knew from when I used to be a mezzo but it was nice to spend time with them again), and a new girl who I didn't know at all. She's in highschool still and it was fun listening to her stories...I spend so much time with either people my age (or older), adults, and little kids, so it was fun being with a highschool student and hearing about all the dating drama, hopes for the future, etc.

All in all, a wonderful day. Great idea! (all you blurkers who are a part of the choir should comment and share your experience!!!)

A very sad breakup story

So during our last week of student teaching, we had noticed Blake and Jessy spending an awful lot of time together. Blake made every effort to always be in a group with Jessy and sit by her during story time. On Thursday, our second last day of student teaching, I heard him ask her by the lockers, "Jessy, do you want to sit by me all day?" to which she replied, "Sure."

Well, tragedy of all tragedies, Blake came into the room sniffling and crying a little after recess and I asked him what was wrong. He started crying a little bit more and finally he said, "Jessy said...Jessy told me...Jessy...Jessy told me that our time together is over."

It doesn't get much more precious than that.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Student Teaching is over!!

Here's a picture of Amelia and I on our last day of student teaching....so sad. I have some more stories about the last few days but for now I'll just leave you with this picture.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Useless info

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Hooray hooray hooray! I got a laptop today! My Grandpa got a new one so I got his old one! I already set it up to a wireless connection in my house and right now I'm sitting on my couch working on my new laptop and loving it! Here are some pictures.

You know what they say about time and having fun...

It's so hard to believe but our time student teaching is almost over. Right now I just can't imagine being back in classes...sitting all day...learning from a prof instead of 32 kindergarten kids...I'm going to miss them so much!

Here's a funny one from yesterday. The public schools have to do these CARE kits that teach kids about their bodies and private parts and how it's not okay for people to touch your private parts. So we talk about appropriate touching (hugging, holding hands, etc) and inappropriate touching...it's quite involved and honest. We talk about yes feelings and no feelings and what to do if you are having a no feeling. So we have these cartoon pictures with different situations on them and then we talk about them. Yesterday we were looking at this one picture of a man reaching toward a little boy and the boy had a scared look on his face. (don't worry, the pictures are NOT explicit!) So we asked, "Does this look like an example of appropriate touching or inappropiate touching?" They of course answered inappropriate because the boy looks sad and scared, etc. And then I asked, "Who might this man be?" The kids were saying different answers like, a stranger, an uncle, a dad, a brother, a friend, etc. and then little Jill puts up her hand and says:

"Johnny Cash."


Monday, March 5, 2007

How precious...

Check out the new little man in my life!!!

This is my cousin Rachel with her new baby...my new cousin Colton David.

Then some more pictures that I want to post because I am just so proud of him and how cute he is!!!

This is my mom with Colton. She's in love!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Quote of the day

What a day. It was a short day because on Thursdays the kids have early dismissal due to the staff meeting (which we sat in on...so boring). We are really enjoying ourselves and just having a blast with the kids...they are starting to use our names, mine is easy but they are having a little bit of trouble remembering Amelia's b/c it's a longer last name. It just feels so good to be in a classroom everyday and being there just reinforces for me that this really is what I'm meant to do. I had to punish one of the boys today because he wasn't cooperating in the lineup to go to the library. We talked about what had happened and he agreed that he could behave in the library so off we went...and he was so good! I was SO proud of him!

So anyway, they are researching bears with the librarian right now and this was the comment that made Mrs. K and Amelia and me just crack up.

Librarian--But I don't think that polar bears actually live in igloos, do they?

Zack--Well, maybe if he ate the people that live there first!