Thursday, March 1, 2007

Quote of the day

What a day. It was a short day because on Thursdays the kids have early dismissal due to the staff meeting (which we sat in boring). We are really enjoying ourselves and just having a blast with the kids...they are starting to use our names, mine is easy but they are having a little bit of trouble remembering Amelia's b/c it's a longer last name. It just feels so good to be in a classroom everyday and being there just reinforces for me that this really is what I'm meant to do. I had to punish one of the boys today because he wasn't cooperating in the lineup to go to the library. We talked about what had happened and he agreed that he could behave in the library so off we went...and he was so good! I was SO proud of him!

So anyway, they are researching bears with the librarian right now and this was the comment that made Mrs. K and Amelia and me just crack up.

Librarian--But I don't think that polar bears actually live in igloos, do they?

Zack--Well, maybe if he ate the people that live there first!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Sounds like something Alanna would say. They must keep you so entertained. Thanks for making me lol!