Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Leticia!!

Today is my friend Leticia's 30th birthday!! We went to Red Lobster last night and had a blast!! (The birthday girl is the one on the right in the first picture)

It was good to have a night out...

Today was also the start of our two weeks of student teaching in the kindergarten room. What a day...Amelia and I met afterwards to plan out some lessons and we were just sitting at the table at her house and ya, we were just exhausted! There was a lot of drama today...crying kids and a couple of little "tiffs" was CRAZY but they are so cute and we had so much fun!

Tomorrow we're starting a cross-sectional study of different versions of the Three Little Pigs...I'm sure we will have some fun times and funny moments during that!

Anyway, I have to catch up on my reading for 40 Days of Purpose!


p.s. You should check out Alison's blog entry today for some HILARIOUS answers that students have given to tests! SOO funny!

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