Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Shopping is fun when it's not your money!!!

Well, that didn't take long! I had some free time today so I decided to go spend the money my dance class gave me!

First of all I took Mya to get a bath. Now she's shiny and gorgeous again...not that it'll last long!

Then I went and found a new top to wear to the dance on Saturday! It's our last ballroom dance of the year!

And then....SHOES!!!!!!!!!!! Shannon will be happy about the brown ones because it means I won't have to borrow hers anymore!

And I needed a new pair of black heels. (Regan and Jon...they're
"deet deet deet" shoes!)

And now I must be off to Daygrow...we have an orientation for Gardenscape!



Leah said...

Good choices!

Shannon said...

oooo, so nice. i will want to borrow your shoes now.

kristin janzen said...

oooh Gina i LOVE both of those pairs of shoes! where did you get them from? and i love the shirt too! oh what style!