Monday, March 19, 2007

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only [twenty-three]

So Dorian and I taught our last dance class of the year tonight. We had a really fun year...we both thought that this class was our best class so far--they were so fun and every joke we made they just ate right up. And we had lots of keeners in this class so we taught them extra stuff, more than just what was in the beginner curriculum.

Anyway, we had a really good class tonight and one of the couples called Dorian and I forward to thank us on behalf of the class. They gave us each a card they had all signed and written messages on (some of them were HILARIOUS--like the older gentleman who thanked me for giving him some class!) and envelopes with money that they had collected! I was thinking it would be like, $50 bucks each or something but it was way more...$130 EACH!!!

Here's a picture of Dorian.

Last year we got gift certificates for new dance shoes (which was about $120 each) but it was from a couple in our dance class, not from the whole class. And it was because Al lost a bet of sorts. Funny story, really. We were at a dance and some of the men in our class started joking around about how they've noticed that when Dorian and I are teaching, I always have to add on (or "one up" as they called it) to what Dorian says. They said I couldn't go one class without adding on to what Dorian says and I commented "Oh, that sounds like a bet!" So the bet was that if I could go a whole class, they had to buy me new dance shoes. And if I COULDN'T, then I had to jump out of a cake at the one guy's son's wedding. So anyway, I did just fine the next class so I won the bet! The thing is, I thought it was clear that I never intended to follow through on my side of the bet in the event that I lost, so I wasn't expecting was just really fun to make a point of NOT saying anything after Dorian talked. But, Al and Lori are generous and appreciative and so they insisted on buying us new dance shoes!

So now I have this unexpected $130 and I was given clear instructions not to waste this money on "frivolous things like bills and such" by one of the ladies in the class.

So what to do with it?

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Leah said...

Sounds like you need a new dancing outfit to go with the dancing shoes.