Wednesday, March 7, 2007

You know what they say about time and having fun...

It's so hard to believe but our time student teaching is almost over. Right now I just can't imagine being back in classes...sitting all day...learning from a prof instead of 32 kindergarten kids...I'm going to miss them so much!

Here's a funny one from yesterday. The public schools have to do these CARE kits that teach kids about their bodies and private parts and how it's not okay for people to touch your private parts. So we talk about appropriate touching (hugging, holding hands, etc) and inappropriate's quite involved and honest. We talk about yes feelings and no feelings and what to do if you are having a no feeling. So we have these cartoon pictures with different situations on them and then we talk about them. Yesterday we were looking at this one picture of a man reaching toward a little boy and the boy had a scared look on his face. (don't worry, the pictures are NOT explicit!) So we asked, "Does this look like an example of appropriate touching or inappropiate touching?" They of course answered inappropriate because the boy looks sad and scared, etc. And then I asked, "Who might this man be?" The kids were saying different answers like, a stranger, an uncle, a dad, a brother, a friend, etc. and then little Jill puts up her hand and says:

"Johnny Cash."


1 comment:

kristin janzen said...

haha Gina that is such a cute story! i love it. i would love to be a kindergarten teacher but i think i dropped the ball on that one. at least i have my little nephew and niece to enjoy! kayden says the funniest things sometimes! oh yes, and your new baby cousin (2nd cous? 1st once removed? i never know how that works! WHATEVER!), he is SOOOOOO cute! i can't wait for my turn.