Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A very sad breakup story

So during our last week of student teaching, we had noticed Blake and Jessy spending an awful lot of time together. Blake made every effort to always be in a group with Jessy and sit by her during story time. On Thursday, our second last day of student teaching, I heard him ask her by the lockers, "Jessy, do you want to sit by me all day?" to which she replied, "Sure."

Well, tragedy of all tragedies, Blake came into the room sniffling and crying a little after recess and I asked him what was wrong. He started crying a little bit more and finally he said, "Jessy said...Jessy told me...Jessy...Jessy told me that our time together is over."

It doesn't get much more precious than that.

1 comment:

Leah said...

That is tragic, lol