Saturday, July 28, 2007

This might give you a toothache...

I apologize if this video is too cute for some of you. It might be a cute overload.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So, my sister and I were walking through the cemetary yesterday and saw something pretty amazing. We were walking by an area where a lot of children and babies were buried...very sad. A lot of the graves have stuffed animals and childlike things and this one grave had a big white teddy bear sitting beside the gravestone that was inset in the ground.

Yesterday, as we walked by, there was a bunny sitting on top of the gravestone. He was sitting totally still, except for his little nose, and he didn't even move when we stopped and watched him!

I don't know...maybe you had to be there to see it, but it was kind of comforting in a way. Like he was there to show us the babies are being taken care of.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fruit I would never eat on a date.

Nectarines. And mangoes.

So good but sooo hard to eat gracefully.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hungry, Hungry Hippo!

You must watch this.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well, if Jenn's not going to blog about the funniest thing I've ever heard her daughter say, then I will.

So, we were at Taste of Saskatchewan the other day and I was sitting by Grace. (who ate almost the whole thing of the Black Forest cake...did any of you see that HUUUUUGE peice of cake?) She was singing to me all kind of songs and telling me stories...believe me, this 5 year old is a hoot! So she started singing about Pinnochio (who knows why) and the following coversation ensued:

Me: Grace, do you know about Pinnochio? Like, do you know what happens to him?

Grace: (blank stare, crickets chirping)

Me: Okay, do you know what happens to him when he lies?

Grace: Ummm, ummm...he ends up in women's underpants?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I recently had a quite random, but completely hilarious experience that I would like to share.

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling like a throat infection was on the way. I had to go to work because we had an early morning staff meeting and as I'm the one that called it, I kinda had to be there! By about 3 in the afternoon, though, I felt like I could barely swallow, so I opted to come home for a nap. I was rudely (not so rudely) awakened by my phone. Dorian was a couple of blocks away from my house and needed to kill an hour or so.

So I woke myself up and went out to the backyard, pajamas and bed hair and all! He had bought a pack of bubble gum (Hubba Bubba or Bubblicious or something of the sort) and thought we could sit outside in the sun and blow bubbles! So we did. We sat and blew bubbles and talked (mostly about the bubbles we were blowing) for almost two hours. And we laughed and laughed and laughed.

It was the most random, childish, and wonderful way to spend a couple of hours!

I was feeling so much better afterwards (laughter is the best medicine) so we went back to our respective houses, cleaned ourselves up and then went out for supper at Koutouki's and later to O'Shea's to celebrate my friend Tara's birthday.

What started as a feeling-sick-day, turned out to be a day of good food, good friends, and GREAT bubbles!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Daily Humour

Many of you have probably seen these before. It's been awhile since I've looked at these. I was re-enjoying them today and thought you guys could as well.

Enjoy. Laugh.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I feel pretty, oh so pretty...

I'm being ironic. I feel exactly the opposite.

I have an eye infection and my left eye is all puffed up and red. It makes it difficult to see, which means no driving. I'm stuck in my house.

I look awful.

I would take a picture and put it on here, but I'm not quite that self-deprecating. Plus my digital camera was stolen a few weeks ago when my car was broken into.

Sorry, no pictures. You wouldn't want to see them anyway.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The miracle of life...

Okay, so a few weeks ago, a bird built a nest in one of our hanging baskets. INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE!!! It's been quite an exciting time for us, checking on the nest every day, seeing one egg, then two, finally four. The mom AND the dad were in and out of the greenhouse multiple times a day, and grew to be quite tame. (it's not like they came and sat on my shoulder or anything, but we could lift the basket down and mommy would be sitting on the nest and stay in there while we were looking!)

And then...they hatched. For the first few days they were these tiny little pink things with buggy eyes...quite ugly, to be honest. And then they filled up the nest and grew their feathers and here they are...soooo cute!

Because the nest was inside the basket, we continued watering the basket but couldn't trim it back, as we do with our other baskets.

This picture shows how much more ginormous this basket is than our regular, trimmed, lovely sized baskets.

And a gratuitous picture of Angel's Trumpet...just because it is so beautiful.

p.s. The babies have since left the nest, learned how to fly, and made new lives for themselves.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Total Greek Experience

Last night Dorian and I went to check out the new Greek restaurant in town. It's called Koutouki and it's on 3rd Ave. The restaurants around it are small Vietnemese/Asian restaurants that have good food, but the interior (and exterior, for that matter) are a bit sketchy...dumpy even. So I was expecting the same of this Greek restaurant.

Not so.

When you walk in, it is absolutely gorgeous. It's lush and multi-leveled and you don't really feel like you're in Saskatoon!

Anyway, we had a late start on our evening, and when we walked in, it was quite empty so we asked if they were closing. The hostess said, "Well, sort of, but you're not the only ones here. It's okay." But then the guy that was seating us, as he sits us at our table, says, "Ya, we are trying to close now, but I mean, you're here, we'll seat you."

Okay, here's my pet peeve. If you don't want to seat us, then don't. Turn us away. If you are going to seat us, then don't say anything and make us feel guilty. That's like when someone does you a favour but complains about it or goes out of their way to let you know how much of an inconvenience it was. That drives me nuts! Just don't do the favour then!

So, I had the Moussaka. I had never had it before, so I thought I'd try something new. It was good and I'm not complaining, but I discovered that ground lamb just tastes like ground beef. So it ended up being a strange version of Shepherd's Pie. But hey, I like Shepherd's Pie!

Anyway, I think they still have some work to do on the menu. For the kind of decor they have in their restaurant and the prices they are charging, their menus really should be more than a laminated piece of paper.

That's enough for today.