Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I recently had a quite random, but completely hilarious experience that I would like to share.

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling like a throat infection was on the way. I had to go to work because we had an early morning staff meeting and as I'm the one that called it, I kinda had to be there! By about 3 in the afternoon, though, I felt like I could barely swallow, so I opted to come home for a nap. I was rudely (not so rudely) awakened by my phone. Dorian was a couple of blocks away from my house and needed to kill an hour or so.

So I woke myself up and went out to the backyard, pajamas and bed hair and all! He had bought a pack of bubble gum (Hubba Bubba or Bubblicious or something of the sort) and thought we could sit outside in the sun and blow bubbles! So we did. We sat and blew bubbles and talked (mostly about the bubbles we were blowing) for almost two hours. And we laughed and laughed and laughed.

It was the most random, childish, and wonderful way to spend a couple of hours!

I was feeling so much better afterwards (laughter is the best medicine) so we went back to our respective houses, cleaned ourselves up and then went out for supper at Koutouki's and later to O'Shea's to celebrate my friend Tara's birthday.

What started as a feeling-sick-day, turned out to be a day of good food, good friends, and GREAT bubbles!

1 comment:

Kerilyn said...

way to turn your day around Gina!