Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well, if Jenn's not going to blog about the funniest thing I've ever heard her daughter say, then I will.

So, we were at Taste of Saskatchewan the other day and I was sitting by Grace. (who ate almost the whole thing of the Black Forest cake...did any of you see that HUUUUUGE peice of cake?) She was singing to me all kind of songs and telling me stories...believe me, this 5 year old is a hoot! So she started singing about Pinnochio (who knows why) and the following coversation ensued:

Me: Grace, do you know about Pinnochio? Like, do you know what happens to him?

Grace: (blank stare, crickets chirping)

Me: Okay, do you know what happens to him when he lies?

Grace: Ummm, ummm...he ends up in women's underpants?

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