Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So, my sister and I were walking through the cemetary yesterday and saw something pretty amazing. We were walking by an area where a lot of children and babies were buried...very sad. A lot of the graves have stuffed animals and childlike things and this one grave had a big white teddy bear sitting beside the gravestone that was inset in the ground.

Yesterday, as we walked by, there was a bunny sitting on top of the gravestone. He was sitting totally still, except for his little nose, and he didn't even move when we stopped and watched him!

I don't know...maybe you had to be there to see it, but it was kind of comforting in a way. Like he was there to show us the babies are being taken care of.


Just Me said...

So, I have been in a bit of a 'mood' lately and your blog has gone and made me cry...thanks Gina, thanks! By the way, maybe you could stop by some time and look at my plants and tell me why they are dying....

Joe said...

I don't think you had to be there to see it at all. It sounds touching and beautiful.

Kerilyn said...

tears are forming! oh my..such sad things to think about..but the bunny is comforting