Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dare to dream...

So, we've been having a bad run of luck with weather lately. It was an exceptionally cold, snowy, miserable winter this year but things were starting to look up. It started warming up in April and it was feeling like good old spring was here to stay...rain and all!

Then May came. In the last 3 weeks, we've had snow/sleet 3 times and just around the time that it is SUPPOSED to be sunny and greening up, more rain. Yesterday, when it was busy sleeting (is that even a word?) outside, I told my students that we needed to do some spring decorating to encourage the weather. So we made flowery, springy decorations to hang from the ceiling and hung them up.

Today? It was sunny and beautiful outside.

So now my students think they are soley responsible for the re-arrival of spring.


Unknown said...

that's awesome, Gina! way to encourage your students in the ways of "one man can change the world" :)

Anonymous said...