Friday, May 15, 2009

Show interest with caution

So, I was in drama all through highschool and for my first 3 years of University. I love theatre. So, after a few years of not being involved, I'm thrilled to be back in the swing of things on the directorial side. I helped direct our school's senior play this year and had a blast. We also took our play to our regional drama festival and put forward a respectable, hilarious show.

At our region's AGM, Carol--the past president of the Saskatchewan Drama Association (SDA)--was talking about the board and how they need new people. She teaches in our region and is retiring this year and was saying that our region should continue to be represented. She was begging for volunteers. I told her I MIGHT be interested in helping out in some way and could she send me some information about it.

Fast forward a couple of months. Having not heard from Carol, I hadn't though about what we had talked about at the regional AGM. I got a grant from the SDA to go to the Provincial Drama Festival...I got to go to some directing workshops and see all the plays. (It was fabulous). All of a sudden, 2 weeks before Provincials, I got an email from Carol, thanking me for my interest in sitting on the SDA board (what? I didn't say that!) and that she needs a short bio from me.

What? What? This is moving to fast!! I was trying to decide what to do, when I got another email from her like, 2 days later saying she really needed the bio, so I figured well, I'll just send her the bio and then when I see her at provincials, I'll talk to her about exactly what I might be getting myself into and how much I want to commit to.

When I got to provincials, I got my registration package and in it was the program for the provincial AGM (that was happening that weekend). Guess what was in the newsletter? That's right, MY NAME, with my bio, in the elections section for CHAIR of one of the committees!

So there you go. My "I might be interested" turned into me being a chairperson on the SDA board.

The lesson? If you show interest (or even make eye contact) in something that is in need of volunteers, you are as good as SIGNED UP!!


Anonymous said...

20 percent of people do 80 percent of the work in most things in life. Every organization is in need of volunteers, and the nice,'interested' people always get mowed down with things they never really wanted to do.

Leah said...

I've been a victim of this as well. It's even harder to get out once you've been "signed up", lol.