Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free money!

Remember book orders? I don't even remember if I got many books out of them (Mom? Maybe you'll remember), but I definitely remember how exciting it was to get book orders with all the pictures of possible books I could own.

Well, I had no idea how sweet of deal they are for teachers! Every time my students order books, I get a few free books out of it, and "bonus coupons" based on how much the total order was. The bonus coupons are basically gift certificates for me to use. I've been saving them up all year with the intention of getting a bunch of stuff at one time. I had $140 to spend and I used it all up last night (I love online ordering)!

Here's what I got:

-2 bulletin board sets
-2 bulletin board boarders
-Back to school, fall, and winter window decorations
-a book of phonics poems
-word cards for my word wall
-a cool magnet kit for my magnets unit
-a "root view" kit for my plants unit

And I didn't have to pay a thing! Scholastic rocks!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What bulletin board sets did you get?
You always got to order a couple of books. If you go through your old children's books (in boxes in the garage) you will see lots of scholastic books.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gina,

I use my "free picks" to buy books throughout the year to give away as gifts at the end of the school year. Great gifts and better yet, they are completely FREE!!!

Melissa Sulliva
aka Rosetown Driving Buddy

Shannon said...

I totally remember the joy and excitement that was Scholastic book orders. I'm pretty sure mom always let us get at least one book per order. I'm pretty sure I got my Megan the Klutz books from that. I loved those books.