Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh, well if that's all!

So, on the first day of school in August, I played a game with my students. I told them 30 things about myself and they each told me 3. Then they said all the things they remembered about me and vice versa. Whoever remembered the most things won. (Obviously they won, since their were 26 kids on their team and only 1 on mine).

Anyway, one of the things I told them was that I want to have lots of kids of my own. Remember, that's the one and only time I said that, and it was in August.

Last week, one of my grade one girls came up to me and said, "Miss Smith, if you want to have babies, all you have to do is find someone to marry you!"

Has she been thinking about my situation for the last 7 months?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Bahahaha! That's awesome. And very practical advice.