Thursday, June 7, 2007

Long time no blog...

Hola, faithful blog checkers! I hope you are still checking my blog in hopes of a new entry!

Hey, you should all come to our choir concert on Sunday at 10am at Elim! It's going to be great!

So sorry I have been so neglectful of my's been a CRAZILY busy month! At the present moment, I can't think of anything to blog about so I apologize that this is such a lame entry!

I'll post some pictures so you have something pretty to look at!



Just Me said...

Yes, very pretty...I wish that I could carry my computer around all day :)

renee said...

Nice to see another post from you - keep em' coming!

Joe said...

Now we wouldn't be faithful blog checkers if we weren't faithfully checking your blog, would we?

Unknown said...

Of course, I checked your blog today (Monday)...too late to get the time and place for your choir concert, which I wanted to attend.

This tardy checking of your blog is only a slight error on my part, since the weekend included 20 hours of working for my new job, several hours of thesis work and trying to make it to church - which ended up happening during your choir concert.

I'm such an idiot. Email me...I want to see you soon!