Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Work, work, work...

Yesterday I worked from 9am to 9:30pm. Long day. So tired. And then I opened today at 8:30am.

When I was coming home from work last night, I realized that on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays I will be opening at the flower shop (9am) and closing at the greenhouse (9:30pm). I hadn't really planned on having three 12 hour days a week, but that's just sort of how it turned out...

In other news...what's with this freaking construction???? I literally can't get out of the city to the greenhouse without being held up by construction. Why can't they work at night like in all other normal, smart cities? I don't understand. Come on, Saskatoon...

Oh, and choir was amazing tonight. Our final concert is Sunday, June 10th at 10am if anyone is interested! It's gonna be amazing...

p.s. Wow, I was looking back at old posts and comments, and I JUST found this. Remember the article that guy wrote slamming teachers? Here's the link to that post if you want to read the article and my reply. Anyway, that was months ago, but he must have found my blog recently and added some comments of his own. He responds to all the comments you guys left. Caution: he uses some harsh language

p.p.s. Happy Birthday Daddy!


Joe said...

And that's why I never drive through Saskatoon on my way to work in the morning...

Unknown said...


I'd love to come to your choir concert, but you're going to have to call or email to let me know when it is?!

(AHA! An opportunity to get you to email me back! :)

Love you.

Miss Gina said...

Joe--And it's Saskatoon's loss, really...

Leah--sorry I've been so non-responsive! I'm so excited for us to be in the same city for the first time EVER!!! Hooray! AND, with a baby on the way!

Michelle said...

Hey Gina,
Just had a few minutes to sit down and read through your blog. It sounds like you're definitely keeping busy and loving life.
Keep well!

Just Me said...

I missed you yesterday. Wherest were thou?

Miss Gina said...

Michelle--You guys certainly seem to be living and loving the busy life too! Are you guys staying in Taiwan forever??

Jenn--I missed you guys too! I was in Regina helping out at the Quiz Meet (bible quizzing).