Wednesday, May 9, 2007

For Pete's sake...

Well, I have apparently set a precedent for myself for regular blogging and tonight it was drawn to my attention by my friend Peter that it's been awhile.

So I thought I would blog about something that Peter may enjoy...himself!

Typical Peter pose #1

Peter and touque.

Typical Peter pose #2.

Peter is a young, promising engineer who enjoys the great outdoors and spending time with great people. Peter's "got the groove" and loves to "boogey down," showing off his moves whenever and wherever. Peter may be seen with or without facial hair, including but not limited to the infamous handlebar moustache.

Peter is admired and revered for his intelligence; he has sometimes even been referred to as a "fountain of knowledge." Peter has been blessed with the gift of hospitality and enjoys nothing more than hosting excellent, low-key, open-to-all get togethers at his house, especially during the summer when great bonfires are to be had!

He loves rock climbing and cycling...and ambrosia.


Anonymous said...

OK, that's the last time I request an update on the content of this blog. Good response time though.

Just Me said...

OH, do you have to encourage his already knowing that he is intellectual?? :) Too bad I don't have pics of the time when we went out karaokeeing. He had a cold and was singing 'Funky Colmadina' all deep and raspy like and a lady (whom we do not know) approached the dance floor and danced all up on in 'bumpin' and grindin'!! It was hysterical! Oh, yeah...he is also good at Twister.

Anonymous said...

I can't help but notice that pose 1 and pose 3 look remarkably similar.

Cory said...

Gina, I do have a blog! I'm a newbie. I love reading them and have to admit that I've been reading yours- hope you're not creeped out!

On another note- I have to say, that I too wittnessed Peter's 'Funky Colmadina' incident. It was a very amusing first impression.

Miss Gina said...

Anonymous--So the code of silence has been broken! I thought you might enjoy this one...

Jenn--that sounds like quite event! What's with strangers coming up and dancing all up on people? I have an experience with that...and Peter witnessed it!

Anon--they look similar but the 2nd one is posed and the first one isn't. Plus your mouth is open in the first one and closed in the second. Totally different.

Cory--that would be a hilarious first impression! haha. How do I get to your blog? I clicked on your name but your profile isn't shared.