Saturday, May 12, 2007

This is why I love Saskatchewan...

It doesn't get much better than that.

I went to Regina last weekend to help at the Quiz Meet. This is me before I left. Look how excited I am to have a weekend off! It's because I know it will be the only real time off I get until August.

I was a little late leaving (the flowershop was craaaaazy busy and I couldn't leave when planned) so I had to go a little fast! For any Americans reading this, the spedometer is in kilometers, not miles!

It was a wonderful weekend...stayed up a little late Saturday night, catching up with Beth at BP's and then LynnieC at her house! Two of my best girls, both of which I hadn't talked to in FOREVER!!

So ya, saw lots of people I hadn't seen in a few months and got to spend some time with Kerralynn's super cute baby Caleb.

Oh ya, and one of our kids got mugged! He went for a walk early Saturday morning--on campus--and a van pulled up and some guys with a hockey stick and a knife jumped out. They hit him with the hockey stick a couple of times before the kid (a little 13 year old) punched the guy with the knife and ran off!!! He ran into a building and called the police who promptly drove up and caught the van. They took the kid into the station and he identified them by photo. AND the van was stolen.

Quite the ordeal, but it sure could have turned out a lot worse.

I also took care of ordering the pizza for all the kids again this year. I took pizza orders all day on Saturday in between quizzing and ended up with a grand total of 76 pizza orders! That's $600 worth of pizza! (plus a VERY generous tip because they give us a really good deal and are very helpful and organized) The guy from Domino's was super helpful and stayed for like 20 minutes to help us organize the pizzas by type! And then he forgot one of the pizzas so he had to run back to get it and when he came back, he brought two extra! So I gave it to the worship band who was very appreciative!!

All in all, a wonderful weekend. Now I have to go get ready for work at the greenhouse.

But first, some pictures of Walter. He's so cute.


renee said...

I love your photos. Yes, SK is beautiful - your pictures captured that well. Aww . . . your cat is so cute. I'm getting one soon . . . just making my house ready! Any recommendations on scratching posts/items to scratch up??

Miss Gina said...

I don't know about store bought dad made Walter's scratching posts. Walter loves the multi-levels.

My Walter loves looking there access to windows for your cat?

renee said...

YES. I have many window sills that are perfect for hanging out on. Plus, my big balcony window gives a nice view of the street and of all the birds in the tree right outside - perfect for a feline! Hhhmm . . . yeah - I was thinking about homemade vs. store-bought scratching posts. I think I'd get more bang for my buck to make one . . . just gotta ask someone to do it for me - good thing I have someone in mind!

Also, what kind of food and kitty litter do you use/recommend? Re kitty litter I'm thinking the clumping kind . . . makes sense to me.

Kerilyn said...

I heard that the Quiz meet was rather crazy with that mugging. poor guy! I sure hope you still had your eyes on the road when you took that picture of your spedometer ;) jk.

Miss Gina said...

I was wondering if someone would comment on that...I didn't take my eyes off the road for a second!!!

Anonymous said...

my little walter.. so cute .. i need to cuddle with him soon.