Thursday, May 24, 2007

What a great start to the day...

Someone broke into my car last night. They jacked the window somehow and made a HUGE mess. And no, they didn't steal ALL of my CD's, somehow they just took my favourites. And my digital camera.

Not happy.


Cory said...

that sucks- which ones did they take, cuz if we have any of them we can burn them for you. Not quite the same I know.

Anonymous said...

Stealing is so aggravating!! My wallet got stolen in Toronto and the worst part isn't what you lose, but the time and energy it takes to follow up - insurance, ID, replacing stuff, etc. What a mess.

I am totally commiserating with you and hoping the next whole week is filled fabulous eyelash days to make you feel pretty as you deal with the follow-up!

Call/email. I'd love to get together sometime soon!

renee said...

Oh that's terrible. Frick . . . and your digital camera too? What a shame. Sorry this happened to you.

Leah said...

Eh, that really does suck. Did you phone the cops? I hope you had you serial numbers. If I learned anything from working at the police station it's to record your serial numbers.

Miss Gina said...

Cory--They were the latests of Wow Worship, Integrity Worship, Hillsong United, Michael W. Smith's new one...really good ones. Maybe they will get something out of the cd's!

Leah 1--It IS a mess. And it sucks. I definitely would love to get together soon.

Renee--You would understand the connection to a digital camera!! Plus it just feels weird that those pictures are out there...

Leah 2--I did phone the cops...serial numbers for what?

Leah said...

The serial number on your camera. The thief will probably pawn the camera off. The serial numbers all get entered into a system at the pawn shop and then the police see that the item has been pawned. You can't pawn anything without ID so then they catch the thief. Most people don't write down the serial numbers on their electronics so that is why most theives get away with the crime.

Just Me said...

Hey Gina-I have the United CD...if you want it burn it for now. That sucks...see you Sunday.