Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This was my supper tonight.

Can you tell I like squash?

Seriously, I LOVE squash. I can even remember when my love for each kind of squash started.

Ahh, spaghetti squash. My first squash. When I was in high school, Dad baked it and then served it with butter and parmesan cheese. Mmm...still eating it that same way.

The first time I remember eating zucchini was grilled on the barbeque. I think I was in high school for this one too. Now I usually just saute it in a little bit of olive oil with some salt. Dee-licious!

I had my first butternut squash this spring. I loved it immediately. I actually remember thinking, "How have I made it to 27 without having tried this?" So nutty and sweet, butternut squash is perfect just mashed up with some margarine.

Acorn squash: this one is easy to remember because I cooked my first acorn squash tonight. I was almost nervous to eat it because I didn't want to not like it. Well, it was delicious. Very similar to Butternut, but not as sweet.

I don't know if I've ever loved any food SO HEALTHY this much. Squash is high in beta-carotene, fibre, vitamin C, and all kinds of other good stuff. Oh, and 0 fat and low in calories! And so yummy!


Lindsey said...

My husband does not like squash or zucchini unfortunately but I love them both. But I've only just started cooking this past year and don't know the tastiest way to prepare them...that's what practice is for I suppose.

RTAs said...

It's because of you that I still eat sauteed zucchini.
Butternut is also a big fav in our house. At least with me and the small fry.