Monday, May 17, 2010

Weather woes

My favourite seasons are Autumn and Spring.

It was bad enough when we essentially skipped fall this year. It went straight from summer to winter. There were a few temperate days and just when the leaves were about to change colour (my favourite part), they all froze and dropped off their branches. Sure, it warmed up again for a little bit, but the chlorophyll process was halted and changed irreversibly.

But now we skipped Spring! We had like, a week of spring-like weather (and not even the good part--just the rainy part) and then it was winter again! And now it's Summer. What happened to our lovely, just a light sweater, no snow on the ground weather?

Stupid 30 degrees.

Oh, and if you want to sing the praises of the warm weather and condemn me for complaining about it, just come and live in my non-air conditioned apartment with ZERO air circulation and south facing windows.

No? No takers?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

No critisizm from me. 30 degress is hot when there's no AC. I will completely agree. Do you at least have a fan? It helps a lot. There's a really good black one in my garage that you could get next time you are in Saskatoon if you see if the tenants mind if you pop into the garage.