Sunday, May 30, 2010

Smiles and Book Reviews

When we have journal time at school, I usually give my students a sentence starter or a writing prompt. One day last week, my grade 1's asked if they could write about whatever they wanted. I obliged. This kid wrote the following: "If I was a zombie I would eat all my friends and the girls. Then I would eat big people too. They would taste like meat." Oh how he makes me laugh.

Now on to book reviews of some of the books I've read in 2010.

Yikes. Wow. So good. I don't know what else to say about this book because I feel like anything I could say would just not be able to describe it. Read it.

I actually listened to this one as an audio book. It was really interesting and not at all what I expected. The narrator of the book (not the audio book) is a dog so the whole book is the dog's perspective of what's going on in his owners' lives. It was good.

One of the blurbs about this book said it was a love letter to reading. How true. This is a favourite of my mom's, so I had pretty high expectations going into it and it lived up to all of them. I was sad when it was over.

It took me a little while to get into this one, but when I did I really enjoyed it. It's from the perspective of an 11 year old girl who witnesses a man's dying breath. It's a quirky mystery. The end was kind of messily written--it's kinda like he ran out of steam--but I would still recommend it.

I listened to this one as an audio book too. Oh, it was so good. I listened to it in the car and when I was walking and it just totally invaded my life. I found myself thinking about the characters when I was at school and couldn't wait to go for a walk so I could listen to it.

If you haven't already, read it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weather woes

My favourite seasons are Autumn and Spring.

It was bad enough when we essentially skipped fall this year. It went straight from summer to winter. There were a few temperate days and just when the leaves were about to change colour (my favourite part), they all froze and dropped off their branches. Sure, it warmed up again for a little bit, but the chlorophyll process was halted and changed irreversibly.

But now we skipped Spring! We had like, a week of spring-like weather (and not even the good part--just the rainy part) and then it was winter again! And now it's Summer. What happened to our lovely, just a light sweater, no snow on the ground weather?

Stupid 30 degrees.

Oh, and if you want to sing the praises of the warm weather and condemn me for complaining about it, just come and live in my non-air conditioned apartment with ZERO air circulation and south facing windows.

No? No takers?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good eats.

I got to my 50 pound goal a couple of weeks ago! I thought it would be a good time to share some of the foods that have helped me get here!

DELICIOUS Pork Kabobs. So much flavour and so juicy!

CheeCha Puffs are probably my favourite new discovery. They're like chips in a fun pretzel shape!

Best popsicles ever. I think it's funny that they advertise things like this as fat-free.'s fruit!

I love squash. Butternut, Zucchini, and Spaghetti!

If you haven't tried these yet, DO. They're like pop-tarts only better!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Napper Supreme

I had an incredibly lazy day today. Last weekend I was in Regina for a quiz meet. I got home late Sunday, semi-unpacked, did some laundry, taught for 3 days and left right after school on Wednesday. I took a few of my high school drama kids to Regina as observers at the Provincial Drama Festival.

It was a blast (and they were super appreciative) but it was EXHAUSTING. It was LATE nights and EARLY mornings and then we didn't get back until about 1:30 this morning. I tried to sleep in but I woke up around 9. I got up, moved to the couch, and fell back to sleep. I woke up around 11, had some coffee, and fell back to sleep. I woke up around 1, had some breakfast/lunch, and yep, fell back to sleep. Then I woke up and was up for awhile but eventually fell back to sleep.

So yep, 4 naps today. It's been a good day.