Friday, June 5, 2009

Video Friday

Here's a video of my cat, Walter.


Bronwyn said...

Your cat is mental. Adorable, but mental.

Miss Gina said...


Anonymous said...

I love how he keeps switching paws! Adorable.

Does he do it because he likes the sound? Or is he just confused about what the curtains are?

Miss Gina said...

That's my mom's favourite part too.

I think it's a bit of both. He likes the sound but he's also just playing.

He's a little dim, so he may be confused as well.

RTAs said...

It's like he's training on one of those boxer speed punching bags.

Shannon said...

Ha! I love it. He looks so bored when he's using his right paw too. It's even funnier than when he used to do that at the back door here.