Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Very Critical Condition

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about a family from my church in Saskatoon that has been going through a terrible ordeal. They lost their 16 year old daughter in a car accident and their 14 year old son is in critical condition.

Over the past few days his condition has worsened and things are very serious for him right now. He went through his 11th surgery since the accident last night and it took quite a toll on his body. This is an exerpt from the family's update blog.

Life for Brent right now is a huge battle. The surgery last night took a huge toll on his body. This afternoon he's now having challenges with his heart rate and there is fluid around his lungs. We know you are already praying but right now life is critical for Brent and more than ever before he needs a supernatural miracle.

Brent is in very CRITICAL CONDITION at the moment.....we're cheering you on LITTLE MAN
He needs a supernatural miracle.....

Please, please pray. They've already lost their they need a miracle for their son.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hey sweet pea. Any update? We prayed for them in church on Sunday.