Sunday, April 12, 2009

I really should have taken a picture...

So, there are both things I like and things I don't like about living in a village. .

I like that it's quiet. It lets me focus on my work, and then forces me to relax when I'm not working (because there's nothing else to do!).

On the other hand, because it's so quiet, it leaves very few (or none at all) options for activities when I want to do something. Overall, though, I enjoy the slower paced life, especially since I lived SUCH a busy life in Saskatoon for 7 years! *

I don't like that there are so few options and little selection at the grocery store and that the hours are limited. It makes it a bit difficult, because I work longer hours and don't always make it to the store by 6.

On the other hand, I encountered something on Friday that you definitely wouldn't see in the city. I was pretty sick on Friday and was having trouble swallowing, so I couldn't really handle anything I had in my fridge or pantry. I set out toward the store, and then remembered it was Good Friday, so everything was likely to be closed. The Co-op was closed, but we also have another small, family run store. When I got to the front, the "closed" sign was in the window, but above it, written in handwriting on a brown paper bag were the words, "Come around back if you need anything."

So I went around back, knocked on the door, and the owner was back there cutting meat and he let me come in and grab a few things.

Adorable. So village.

*Don't get me wrong, I'm still VERY busy with work, but I don't have a million other side activities on top of it like I did in the city.


Anonymous said...

Yup that sounds familiar. I grew up in a small town so I completely understand. As a teen I always said I would NEVER live in a small town when I grew up but since having my own kids it definitely looks more appealing...but even better would be an acreage just outside the city.

kristin janzen said...

i like the new blog look!!! kevin and i also live in a small-ish sized place (pop. 7000), so it has been a bit of an adjustment, but we love it (it helps only being 20 mins from a real city). Ladysmith is one of the most charming places EVER. but i haven't yet seen a sign quite like the one you described! that's awesome.

Miss Gina said...

Jenn-I know...I always said the same thing growing up but now that I'm back in a smaller setting, it's looking more and more attractive!

Kristin-Ladysmith sounds really nice. Anything smaller than what you're used to is always an adjustment, although 7000 people is about 20 times the population of my little village!