Monday, February 9, 2009

Just ask.

My students are hilarious.

Every week, on Monday, we have our Weekend Review. We sit in a circle on the floor and everyone gets a chance to share about three things they did on the weekend. After they have all taken their turns, I tell them what I did on the weekend. For some reason, at some point, (I don't know how it started) they began asking questions about my weekend after I shared. Like, a lot of questions.

Oh, and they fire them at me without waiting for answers or taking turns. Here's a random sampling of what they asked me today:

Did you brush your hair?

Did you brush your teeth?

Did you drink some coffee?

Did you drink water?

What did you have for breakfast?

What did you have for lunch?

Did you have any snacks?

Did you have a shower? Or a bath?

Did you watch any movies?

Did you read a book?

When did you go to bed?

Did you have a nap?

and so on, and so on.

Why they do this, I do not know. They laugh the whole time they're asking. They're weird.


Joe said...

Or aspiring journalists...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun!!!