Thursday, February 12, 2009

Perspectives on love

The following are my students' responses to questions about love. Precious and insightful.

What is love?

“Like you like something.”
“When you give a person a hug like my mom and dad.”
“Caring for others like someone who can’t get in a store, getting them a coffee.”
“When I love my baby sister”
“It’s when your parents hug you and show you lots of love.”
“When a boy really really likes a girl and a girl really really likes a boy.”
“Like when you spend time with your parents and your whole family is there.”
“It’s when someone likes you really lots.”
“When you have a family you get respected.”
“When you give hugs and kisses to mom and dad.”
“When you go to someone and tell them.”
“When you live together like a family.”
“When you are happy.”

How can you show love to someone?

“By giving them a heart.”
“If someone was crying I would give them a hug.”
“I hug my mom and dad.”
“Hug them.”
“I just say that I love everybody in my family.”
“You respect them and you love them.”
“I would be nice and play with them a lot.”
“Well, I love a girl, I think she’s pretty and I like her.”
“By being nice.”
“Being their friend and including them in games and give them Valentine’s cards.”
“I play with them.”
“I be nice to them. I give my mom kisses and my dad hugs.”
“Maybe you would kiss them and tell them you love them.”

What does love mean to you?

“Like, when I love my Grandma.”
“It’s like when someone is in love with each other.”
“It’s the kind of thing when you love your parents or something.”
“It means you like people.”
“When you fall in love with someone.”
“Hugging my dad.”
“It’s about being nice.”

How do you show your mom that you love her?

“I give her a Valentine’s card.”
“I hug my mom.”

How does your dad show you he loves you?

“He gives me games for PS3.”

How do your mom and dad show they love you?

“Sometimes my mom takes breaks and cuddles me and my dad likes to tease me.”
“They take good care of me and treat me nice.”
“They hug me and kiss me.”
“By keeping me safe.”
“They hug me and buy me stuff.”


Bronwyn said...

Adorable. I want to eat them all.

Joe said...

That was too adorable!