Saturday, January 24, 2009

Credit Hassle

I don't own a credit card. I didn't ever get one during university because I didn't want one while I was living paycheck to paycheck, especially when each one of those paychecks could be vastly different from one to the next. Plus, well, frankly I didn't trust myself with a credit card.

But now I live in a village, quite isolated if an emergency ever came about, AND my paychecks are steady and consistent. So, in July before I moved, I applied for a card through my bank. And then I waited for the exciting bit of plastic to arrive.

And I waited...

and waited...

and waited.

I called them about 2 months after I applied and was assured that I would get it within the next 10 business days.

So I waited.

Another 6 weeks later, I received a letter. No card. They were writing to tell me that they needed additional info from me. So I called to find out what kind of info. I spoke to a woman on the phone who said she reviewed my application and they had all the info they needed and the letter must have been sent by accident. Oh, and I should have my card within the next 10 business days. Ya. I've heard that one before. But, what else is there to do but wait?

And wait.

And, no word came in the next 6 weeks, so I called again (doing my level best to supress my frustration) to ask why the heck I don't have a card yet. Well, the lady on the phone said after checking my account, because we sent you a letter and we're waiting on additional information from you.


I politely excused myself and hung up. (Really, I was polite. I don't believe in being rude to customer service reps when they are only the bearer of bad news). A couple weeks ago, I called my bank and asked them to check it out for me, since I was getting nowhere with these people. I got a letter from my bank this week that said: "Today I spoke with a representative about your application. She indicated to me, that since so much time had passed since your initial application, your file was closed. So you will need to complete a new application."

Oh my gosh.

Well, back to square one!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Well it's about time!

So, I often go to the grocery store looking for things I'd grown accustomed to in the city and I am usually forced to settle for something else. Especially when it comes to anything medicinal like NeoCitran or Robitussin.

Today I went looking for a headache remedy. I ran out of Advil Liquigels and didn't get any the last time I was in the city. I was fully expecting to have to settle for regular Advil or even Tylenol (and anyone who gets migraines surely knows the superiority of the liquigels...they work so much faster).

Well, surprise of all surprises, they had the Advil Liquigels!!!

I know, it's a small thing to blog about, but let's face it, it's my blog and I can do whatever I want!

(Besides, I once blogged about soup).

Monday, January 19, 2009


So, my sister has been in Maui for the last three months. This weekend, we welcomed her home.

Lucky for her, she came back AFTER the -40 cold snap. Here she is beginning to layer up.

But, as we all (especially those of us living in Saskatchewan) know, our bodies become climatized to the weather we're living in. Our first -10 day of the winter is SOOOO cold. But later in the winter, after a few weeks of -40, -10 seems like spring! Well, the night we picked up Shannon it was about +2 degrees Celcius, which was feeling like summer to us! However, Shannon's body was used to Maui weather, so while the rest of us were wearing light jackets and peeling off layers, Shannon wore this:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't Get Your Back Up

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPod on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds!

If someone says "Is this okay?" you say? Paranoid (Kyle Riabko)

How would you describe yourself? Sweet and Low (Augustana)

What do you like in a guy/girl? My Moon, My Man (Feist)

How do you feel today? Unashamed Love (Lamont Heibert) It's true! I was just professing my love for Apple Cinnamon Cheerios and I'm not afraid to say it!

What is your life's purpose? What You Thought You Need (Jack Johnson)

What is your motto? You, Me and the Bourgeoisie (The Submarines) Everyone's heard me say that!

What do your friends think of you? Proper Nice (Joss Stone)

What do you think about very often? Only in the Past (Be Good Tanyas)

What do your parents think about you? Honey Honey (Feist)

What is 2 + 2? Worlds Apart (Jars of Clay) Yikes, and I actually TEACH this!

What do you think of your best friend? Free (Catpower)

What do you think of the person you like? Vultures (John Mayer)

What is your life story? Either Way, I'll Break Your Heart Someday (Augustana)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Cupid (Jack Johnson)

What do you think when you see the person you like? Fly Me to the Moon (Frank Sinatra)

What song will they play @ your wedding? The Bus Ride (Anna Wilson)

What will they play @ your funeral? Flora's Secret (Enya)

What is your hobby/interest? Silence (Jars of Clay) Try it's so much fun.

What is your biggest fear? Pancake (Tori Amos) know, I did have a recurring dream about a giant pancake falling on me...

What is your biggest secret? Mrs. Robinson (Simon & Garfunkel) Enough said.

What do you think of your friends? Rescue (Jared Anderson)

What will you title this blog? Don't Get Your Back Up (Sarah Harmer)

And now! With more questions!

What do you think about love? Love, Where is Your Fire? (Brooke Fraser)

How do you feel about others? Forgive Me (Missy Higgins)

How will you die? Disappear (Jars of Clay) No more David Copperfield shows for me!

What is your biggest flaw? In Repair (John Mayer)

What is your best trait?Indescribable (Laura Story)

What do others think of you? Good Times Gonna Come (Aqualung)

Who are you? Consuming Fire (Third Day)

Why are you here? Mamma Mia

What do you find romantic? Sleep (The Dandy Warhols)

What do you think is sexy? The Little Things (Colbie Caillat)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Exhausted in the New Year...

but it's been too long since my last one. And now that May-B and Ariannland are posting everyday, my guilt has gotten the better of me.

First off, I had a great break. And I got plenty of rest...perhaps too much and that's why I'm so tired after only one day back. Being home and away from my lovely but germ-ridden students for so long (2 1/2 weeks!) let me finally get over being sick. Maybe that will be it for awhile?

So yes, it was a lovely break. I went home to my parents' house as soon as I could get away on the last day of school. I stayed for a full week, reading this book and this one (both great) and watching movies and playing games and scrapbooking. Then I hopped in my car and drove to Saskatoon to spend some time with Emma and gang before Emma moves back to Vancouver. After a couple days there, I set off to Regina, pulling in about 25 minutes before the wedding I was attending started. How's that for cutting it close!?! After a lovely wedding and a fun night in a gorgeous hotel, it was back to my parents' house for another half week. New Years was spent quietly with games, good food, and movies. It was exactly what I was looking for.

And now I'm back. Nothing like 26 kids to bring you back to reality!

We had a breakthrough today. Remember this guy? He told the truth today!!!! I mean, he started out by making up a story to implicate another kid, but when I confronted him about it and told him he looked guilty, HE TOLD THE TRUTH!!! I praised the heck out of him and gave him a big hug and he looked really proud of himself, so I'm hoping he'll remember that feeling.

And to end this post, I'll tell you a bit about one of my grade one students. She's so funny and gets such a kick out of making me laugh...and she does it a lot. Mindy hugs me frequently thoughout the day and often ends a hug by looking up at me and saying things like, I just can't stop hugging you, or I just wanna hug you all day long. Also, when I am helping her with her work, she's been known to ask questions like, Why are you so brilliant?

One day, when my EA was working with her on sentence making, she was sharing a story. When my EA started sharing some stuff about herself, Mindy waited for Mrs. D to finish, and then said, with her head resting in her hand, Can we just get on with this?

And the other day, when I told her and another girl that they were so funny, Mindy looked up at me and said, "Well, that's our job! To sit here and be funny!"

So funny.