Monday, January 5, 2009

Exhausted in the New Year...

but it's been too long since my last one. And now that May-B and Ariannland are posting everyday, my guilt has gotten the better of me.

First off, I had a great break. And I got plenty of rest...perhaps too much and that's why I'm so tired after only one day back. Being home and away from my lovely but germ-ridden students for so long (2 1/2 weeks!) let me finally get over being sick. Maybe that will be it for awhile?

So yes, it was a lovely break. I went home to my parents' house as soon as I could get away on the last day of school. I stayed for a full week, reading this book and this one (both great) and watching movies and playing games and scrapbooking. Then I hopped in my car and drove to Saskatoon to spend some time with Emma and gang before Emma moves back to Vancouver. After a couple days there, I set off to Regina, pulling in about 25 minutes before the wedding I was attending started. How's that for cutting it close!?! After a lovely wedding and a fun night in a gorgeous hotel, it was back to my parents' house for another half week. New Years was spent quietly with games, good food, and movies. It was exactly what I was looking for.

And now I'm back. Nothing like 26 kids to bring you back to reality!

We had a breakthrough today. Remember this guy? He told the truth today!!!! I mean, he started out by making up a story to implicate another kid, but when I confronted him about it and told him he looked guilty, HE TOLD THE TRUTH!!! I praised the heck out of him and gave him a big hug and he looked really proud of himself, so I'm hoping he'll remember that feeling.

And to end this post, I'll tell you a bit about one of my grade one students. She's so funny and gets such a kick out of making me laugh...and she does it a lot. Mindy hugs me frequently thoughout the day and often ends a hug by looking up at me and saying things like, I just can't stop hugging you, or I just wanna hug you all day long. Also, when I am helping her with her work, she's been known to ask questions like, Why are you so brilliant?

One day, when my EA was working with her on sentence making, she was sharing a story. When my EA started sharing some stuff about herself, Mindy waited for Mrs. D to finish, and then said, with her head resting in her hand, Can we just get on with this?

And the other day, when I told her and another girl that they were so funny, Mindy looked up at me and said, "Well, that's our job! To sit here and be funny!"

So funny.


Unknown said...

thanks, Gina, for sharing your class stories -- they remind me of my teaching days and how entertaining life is when you have a class full of great kids to make your days memorable!

re the colds, I and several of my teacher friends absolutely LOVE EmergenC. It's a packet you dissolve in water - tastes gross, like flavoured alka-seltzer, but it has magical powers... and other firends of mine who work in hospitals say they live on ColdFX. If you haven't tried these, they are worth a shot. I've only seen EmergenC at Costco or Sam's Club, but ColdFX seems to be everywhere.

hope this helps!
love you ~

Joe said...

Mindy sounds too cute for words. I'd spend my day laughing, too.

I never considered the fact that teachers much be virtual germ labs during the winter illness season. Hope you've been able to shake it for good.