Monday, January 19, 2009


So, my sister has been in Maui for the last three months. This weekend, we welcomed her home.

Lucky for her, she came back AFTER the -40 cold snap. Here she is beginning to layer up.

But, as we all (especially those of us living in Saskatchewan) know, our bodies become climatized to the weather we're living in. Our first -10 day of the winter is SOOOO cold. But later in the winter, after a few weeks of -40, -10 seems like spring! Well, the night we picked up Shannon it was about +2 degrees Celcius, which was feeling like summer to us! However, Shannon's body was used to Maui weather, so while the rest of us were wearing light jackets and peeling off layers, Shannon wore this:


Joe said...

At the beginning of the post I was wondering how she'd adjust to the below zero temps. Glad to see we cleared that up/

Shannon said...

Oooo. I'm still so cold. I have pretty much permanent shivers.