Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So last night I was driving back from my parents' house to Glaslyn. When I got to Unity, I was supposed to go East to Wilkie. I thought I was going to Wilkie, but after about a half hour I was wondering where the heck it was. Then I saw the sign for Macklin. I sure had not gone through Macklin on my way to my parents. I was 60 Km in the wrong direction. And it was already late.

Back to Unity. An hour later.

Oh well, at least I can say I've been to Macklin now!

The problem is, I made a point of looking at the sign as I was leaving Unity...and I was sure it said Wilkie. Macklin and Wilkie sort of look alike, don't they?

Great. I'm teaching a bunch of kids how to read and I can't even read myself!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Once I got lost coming home from North Battleford to Leader. I knew I needed to go on a highway that would eventually get to Biggar (but I'd turn off first). Problem is that there are two ways to get to Biggar. The long way would take me on the highway I wanted and I'd turn off. The short way would take me straight to Biggar but not anywhere near the highway I actually wanted to be on. I didn't realise my error until I actually go to Biggar. The worst part is that mom and dad didn't want me to drive alone in case I got lost and I assured them that I was "old enough to handle it" (I was 16). Didn't admit that one for a long time. So we've both got lost on the same trip - just in opposite directions!