Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, I had a scary situation at work the other day. I was in the back doing some restocking and when I came back out to the front, I felt kind of...weird. It kinda felt like being dizzy, but not like the room was spinning--just sort of swimming. It was sort of like the feeling you get when you stand up too fast. My vision was funny, like my eyes couldn't focus. A customer was asking me a question and I could only see part of her face. I was trying to explain to a co-worker what they were supposed to be doing, and I was felt confused and like I couldn't get my point across. I rang someone in, which was difficult because I couldn't see all the numbers.

It was kinda scary.

It would have been even more so, but I remembered my mom telling me about having a migraine start kinda like that. I guess it's called a Migraine Aura.

"About 15% of migraine sufferers have a warning that the headache is coming on. They experience a change in brain function called an aura. It is usually a visual symptom, such as an arc of sparkling (scintillating) zig-zag lines or a blotting out of vision or both. But any other brain-related symptom may occur, such as numbness of one side of the face and hand, weakness, unsteadiness, or altered consciousness."

I also found some good info in this article.

Anyway, my friend Regan came to my rescue and drove me home (I certainly couldn't drive myself, when my vision was being so weird!). It went from vision stuff to EXTREME nausea (and throwing up, which I hate hate hate) to lots of pain. I missed another day of work the next day recovering. The whole thing was quite the ordeal. And definitely a first for me. I mean, I've had a few migraines before, but NOTHING like that!


Anonymous said...

If you continue to have migraines pick up a copy of "7 Steps to a Healthy Brain" by Dr. Paul Winner. I found his meal planner very helpful and I *try* to follow his other suggestions in general.

Abigail said...

Hi there, Miss Gina!

So sorry to read that the migraine beast is rearing its ugly head at you. Please take good care of yourself? Give your doc a shout. There are some great meds out there that can help when you get hit like that.

Also thought I'd let you know that the wonderful patient educator and advocate who wrote the articles you found so helpful can now be found at, alone with even more information. Nothing on the site has been updated since she left there nearly two years ago.


Joe said...

Ugh...sounds like things went from terrifying to worse. Hope you're feeling better.