Friday, July 11, 2008

Summertime, and the livin' is...

Seriously, I love that song.

So, I'm working at MEXX. I move at the start of August and I was subbing till the end of June, so I kinda just needed something for a month. I was hoping to go back to Blossoms, but a girl came back from her mat leave so they didn't really need me. BUT, my boss at Blossoms had been talking to Christine, my old boss from GAP, and she was saying that SHE needed people. So I went into the store and in three minutes, had a job. It's funny because Christine lost me to Carla a few years ago when Carla needed a part-timer. I was working at both GAP and Blossoms but had to give up one when I started Education. So I left Christine for Carla and now I'm back with Christine. Which is great, because she's great.

I'm working on kids side and seriously, I have seen some of the cutest kids in the entire world. I wish I could take pictures of them just to prove it to you. If you have a kid and you've been into MEXX kids in Saskatoon recently, you have one of the cutest kids in the world.

And it's a repeat of the summer of 2006 for weddings. This year I'm going to 4. It could have been 5 but I couldn't go to the one in June. Actually, it could have been 6, because I was invited to be a date at one but it was on the same weekend as one that I was already RSVP'd to. Seriously. Last week was Derek and Ariann's wedding. This weekend is Kerrie's wedding, the next weekend is Ang's wedding, and Sherri's wedding is in August.

Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!

Oh, and I move to The Village in THREE WEEKS!!!

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