Saturday, April 19, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I woke up to about a foot of snow on my car today. It's freaking April 19th! After working for ten minutes to get into my car (the door was frozen shut), I got into my car and drove to Preston Crossing. I almost slid through the intersection ON CIRCLE DRIVE and when I got to Preston Crossing, the parking lot was like a skating rink.

Seriously, it's April.

Yesterday, I was wearing short pants and flip flops. Today, a parka, bunnyhug (hooded sweatshirt for you Americans), long pants and winter boots.

Only in Saskatchewan.


Adrianne said...

Oh do be careful driving!!!! I love the bunnyhug!! !What a cool name, ha I laughed again.....Bunnyhood?

Well if it makes you feel better I had to wear a sweater today. It was warmer on Saturday no bunnyhood needed. I think I just like saying bunnyhood.

Let us know when you can wear flip flops again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

well it wasn't just sK, Calgary and edmonton got more than us!! but what about that blizzard today for 20 min. stupid weather.. RK

Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear about the weather, and I have been told it hasnt cleared up yet either.

I feel bad for having to water my lawn this weekend.

We don't call it a Bunnyhood in the east either. That is a sk thing, a hoodie to us!

Miss Gina said...

SSC--Still no flip flops. *sigh* Yes, Bunnyhug. I don't know why we call it that, but everyone here says it.

Anonymous--Well, and it rained on Sunday too! Such craziness here. RK...Regan?

Shipper Girl--Out east, hey? Do you live in Canada, or the States? Do you have a connection to SK?
Oh, and no, it hasn't cleared up. Not one bit.

Unknown said...

I'm in Ontario but a maritimer all the way! I did my maritime duty and spent my year in Alberta! So I have driven all of Canada and met my fair share of SK people, and bunnyhugs, no clue, took me forever to figure it out until they told me!