Thursday, April 17, 2008

I can do it...

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday, and it was lovely to take a day off of studying, guilt free!

I was getting my nails done yesterday by my friend's mom, and she was asking about finals and when I'm done all my assignments and tests. I said on Tuesday (the 22nd). "Oh wow, 6 days!" she said! I expressed that those 6 days might as well be a month for what I have left to do and she said, "Well, God created the whole world in 6 days."

She's right. He did. AND, on the 7th day he rested. I'm looking forward to that 7th day. I can do it...


renee said...

You CAN do it! . . . 6 days and counting!

It was great to celebrate with you last night!

Joe said...

Happy belated birthday!

No doubt you can do it. Can't wait to hear about it once you do.