Saturday, March 29, 2008


So, I will have to keep this short because it is difficult to type right now. Had a bit of an accident with Arrow on Thursday.

I was over at the park throwing around her ball when we saw this stick. It was like, the epitome of a fetch stick. So I started throwing it around and she was loving it. I was holding it up in the air and she was jumping up for it when she missed the stick and bit into my finger. I was scared to look but I was pretty sure it wasn't good. My friend Regan came to pick me up to go to the emergency room where, in the next 5 HOURS I had x-rays of my finger, got a tetanus shot, two needles to freeze my finger, and lost half my fingernail on index finger on my right hand.

It was quite the ordeal. I would post a picture of my finger but it's too gross.

Anyway, I'm okay, but it definitely hurts a lot and it makes typing and writing and holding utensils and lots of stuff pretty difficult! Oh, and it comes at an inopportune time, when I am trying to finish up the term and I have lots of assignments due.

Oh, the doctor said the fact that I have gel nails probably saved my finger from a lot more damage because otherwise she might have bit into my finger. Good reason to have gel nails!!


Adrianne said...

OUCH!!! You poor thing, I hope you and your finger feel better soon!!!!

Miss Gina said...

Thanks, SSC! It is getting better. I'm looking forward to when it's grown back and looks normal again!