Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's official!

I got the job.

I'm moving to Glaslyn.

I'm exhausted.

Details to come.

(p.s. It's funny, I made a label for job hunting but I won't need it anymore! My hunt is over!!!)


Megan said...

congratulations! I grew up in a small town and my mom is a teacher in a small town (350 people). Don't worry, you'll love it.

Unknown said...

Congrats! I love the idea of small towns!

Miss Gina said...

Megan--That's about the size of Glaslyn too! Glaslyn is 375 I think. Does your mom teach elementary or highschool?

Shipper Girl--I love the idea of small towns too! I'm so excited to be the new teacher in town!

Adrianne said...

Woo Hoo!!!!