Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Friday night

and I'm at home. Because after the Good Friday service this morning, I thought I would make myself sick if I did anything but relax today.

After the week I had, well, I'm exhausted. In four days, I had a job interview 2 1/2 hours away, subbed in a grade one class, went to a night class, had a day of classes, went to a long choir practice in prep. for Sunday, made a huge decision to accept a teaching position, subbed in a grade four class, helped at a weekly program for inner city kids, and went to a going away party. Seriously, I must be nuts.

So after the GF service today, I came home, had some lunch, and then fell asleep on the couch for four hours. I could barely keep my eyes open during lunch and today during the service I was struggling to stay awake (which was a big deal because the choir stayed on the platform through the whole service)!

Now I'm awake. And feeling more like a normal person instead of a representative for caffeine.

So, the job. I went in for the interview on Monday at 6. I was there early so the secretary showed me around the school. The interview was good. I was nervous, but I knew that I have a lot to offer, so I just had to show them that. The interview was with the superintendent of the school division and the principal of the school & it was about 40 minutes long. They had some interviews before me and they still had one after me. I drove away at 6:45 feeling pretty good. I knew I got a little bit flustered a couple of times but that I had told them everything I wanted to.

I got to North Battelford by 7:30 and was in the middle of telling the family I was staying with about the interview when my cell phone rang at about 7:45 and it was the superintendent, calling to offer me the job! I was a bit shocked, I mean, seriously, it was an hour later!

Anyway, I gave it a lot of thought and a day and a half later, I accepted!

I have a teaching position.

I have a teaching position!


Adrianne said...

I am so very proud of you!!!! Congratulations TEACHER.

Unknown said...
