Sunday, March 2, 2008


So, I've recently begun helping out with this program for inner city kids. Just over a week ago, I had my first evening with them. I was getting to know this table full of 9-11 year old girls and one of the girls commented that she liked my necklace.

Another girl quickly commented that she liked my necklace AND my earrings.

At this point, it became a one-up competition.

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater!"

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater AND your hair!"

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater AND your hair AND your shoes!"

Another girl cut in and with a flick of her wrist and a head-tilt and the perfect amount of attitude, she one-upped them all. "I like your whole style."

I didn't even think I looked that good that day.


Adrianne said...

Very very cute!!!!

But i like your
"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater AND your hair AND your shoes!" And your whole style and in addition your blog!

Lets see if they can one up that?

Miss Gina said...

SSC, I don't know if ANYONE can top that one!

Adrianne said...

I try I really try!!!!