Saturday, March 29, 2008


So, I will have to keep this short because it is difficult to type right now. Had a bit of an accident with Arrow on Thursday.

I was over at the park throwing around her ball when we saw this stick. It was like, the epitome of a fetch stick. So I started throwing it around and she was loving it. I was holding it up in the air and she was jumping up for it when she missed the stick and bit into my finger. I was scared to look but I was pretty sure it wasn't good. My friend Regan came to pick me up to go to the emergency room where, in the next 5 HOURS I had x-rays of my finger, got a tetanus shot, two needles to freeze my finger, and lost half my fingernail on index finger on my right hand.

It was quite the ordeal. I would post a picture of my finger but it's too gross.

Anyway, I'm okay, but it definitely hurts a lot and it makes typing and writing and holding utensils and lots of stuff pretty difficult! Oh, and it comes at an inopportune time, when I am trying to finish up the term and I have lots of assignments due.

Oh, the doctor said the fact that I have gel nails probably saved my finger from a lot more damage because otherwise she might have bit into my finger. Good reason to have gel nails!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

This is me in pictures...

I stole this from Bronwyn.

Here’s how it works:
1. Go to
2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box
3. Insert the picture into your Blog

What is your relationship status?

The improper grammar kills me!

What is your current mood?

What is your favourite movie?

What kind of pets do you have?

It's funny, Walter and this cat are the same kind of cat! I hope mine doesn't get this big!

Where do you live?

Where do you work?

What do you look like?

What is your favourite TV show?

Describe yourself

What are you going to do tomorrow?

What is your name?

What is your favourite candy?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Change is scary

Like today, I went to buy the make-up foundation I've been using for at least three years.

They changed it.

The shades are different, and it's a different consistency.

Is it going to be the right shade for me? Is it going to give me the coverage I need?


Friday, March 21, 2008

It's Friday night

and I'm at home. Because after the Good Friday service this morning, I thought I would make myself sick if I did anything but relax today.

After the week I had, well, I'm exhausted. In four days, I had a job interview 2 1/2 hours away, subbed in a grade one class, went to a night class, had a day of classes, went to a long choir practice in prep. for Sunday, made a huge decision to accept a teaching position, subbed in a grade four class, helped at a weekly program for inner city kids, and went to a going away party. Seriously, I must be nuts.

So after the GF service today, I came home, had some lunch, and then fell asleep on the couch for four hours. I could barely keep my eyes open during lunch and today during the service I was struggling to stay awake (which was a big deal because the choir stayed on the platform through the whole service)!

Now I'm awake. And feeling more like a normal person instead of a representative for caffeine.

So, the job. I went in for the interview on Monday at 6. I was there early so the secretary showed me around the school. The interview was good. I was nervous, but I knew that I have a lot to offer, so I just had to show them that. The interview was with the superintendent of the school division and the principal of the school & it was about 40 minutes long. They had some interviews before me and they still had one after me. I drove away at 6:45 feeling pretty good. I knew I got a little bit flustered a couple of times but that I had told them everything I wanted to.

I got to North Battelford by 7:30 and was in the middle of telling the family I was staying with about the interview when my cell phone rang at about 7:45 and it was the superintendent, calling to offer me the job! I was a bit shocked, I mean, seriously, it was an hour later!

Anyway, I gave it a lot of thought and a day and a half later, I accepted!

I have a teaching position.

I have a teaching position!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's official!

I got the job.

I'm moving to Glaslyn.

I'm exhausted.

Details to come.

(p.s. It's funny, I made a label for job hunting but I won't need it anymore! My hunt is over!!!)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

T-Minus 2 days

(what does T-minus mean?)

till my interview in the village. That's right, it's a village. 400 people, so it's even smaller than the town I grew up in!

Originally, I wasn't sure if I would really want this position, were it offered to me. I was talking to my mom the other night, though, and she said, "It sounds like you're talking yourself into wanting this job."

And maybe I am.

I dunno, I guess I need to see the school and classroom first and get a feel for the place. This future stuff, it's scary. one.

So, as per the title, today was my first day of subbing.

I wrote that last night and then fell asleep. I don't remember what else I was going to say. You'll have to wait till inspiration strikes again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It has arrived.

The teaching certificate is here

and I have a job interview on Monday
(for a REAL job).

It has grown up life.

(and all I want to do is hide under a blanket)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


So, I've recently begun helping out with this program for inner city kids. Just over a week ago, I had my first evening with them. I was getting to know this table full of 9-11 year old girls and one of the girls commented that she liked my necklace.

Another girl quickly commented that she liked my necklace AND my earrings.

At this point, it became a one-up competition.

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater!"

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater AND your hair!"

"I like your necklace AND your earrings AND your sweater AND your hair AND your shoes!"

Another girl cut in and with a flick of her wrist and a head-tilt and the perfect amount of attitude, she one-upped them all. "I like your whole style."

I didn't even think I looked that good that day.