Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pictures of pictures

So I FINALLY printed off some recent pictures to put in the gazillion (okay, like, 14) frames that I have. And when Dad was here, he put up my shelves that have been waiting to go up for a year and a half. Anyway, I'm so pleased with the way it turned out, I thought I'd share some pictures...of pictures.

I narrowly avoided a disaster with one of my classes. I'm eternally indebted (althought I haven't told her yet) to a girl in one of my classes for catching my mistake. She was talking about EdPsych 390, one of the classes required for graduation this spring. I was confused, because I thought 390 was called Exceptional Learners, and I thought, Isn't the class we're in right now called Exceptional Learners? In fact it was.

When I was registering for 390, I was scrolling through the sections offered and found one at the PERFECT time called "Exceptional Learners & Classroom Implications." So I registered for it and was enjoying the class and the prof. Well, it just so happens that 390 and the one I signed up for, 414, have almost the exact same title. So I wasn't registered for a class required for graduation and had Jocelyn not said something and confused me, I may have gone through the whole semester and then been, well, screwed.

Unfortunately, I couldn't fit 390 into my schedule (well, I could but it would require me taking it on Tuesdays & Thursdays and right now I only have Mon.Wed. classes and am not willing to give up that schedule!) so I'm taking it online. I'm a bit confused about how that whole thing works, though, so I'll let you know how it goes.


Joe said...

Thanks for clarifying, because I was wondering where you'd store the gazillion frames.

Miss Gina said...

No problem...that's why they call me Clara Clarifier.

Miss Gina said...

Jilla--me too! We looked hot.

Lilene said...

Well Miss Gina, I didn't know you had a blog! I'm going to England in a month with my friend Lydia.

renee said...

Glad to hear you're back on track to graduate!! I missed seeing you at church today - fyi.

Miss Gina said...

Thanks, Renee! I woke up in a lot of pain today (my neck) and opted to stay home because leaving the house would have required moving.