Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm no quitter!

Well, it's the 8th of January and so far I am right on track with my New Year's resolutions! I know that's only a week, but still, there have been years when I haven't even kept them for 2 days!

It's back to school at the university and so far I am enjoying my classes (I've had them each once).

I promise to blog more soon. Don't give up on me!

In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures of my newly cleaned and organized place.

My new mahogany bookshelf. Love it!!!

Close up.

My desk...I haven't seen that desktop for awhile!!

Walter likes it too.


Joe said...

Welcome back! Glad to hear that things are on track thus far in the new year.

Jenna said...

nothing feels greater than being organzied!

Miss Gina said...

Joe--Unfortunately, blogging more wasn't one of my resolutions, but I'll do my best!

Jenna--I agree. Everything seems more manageble when you're organized!