Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Two days.

When I started my internship in late August, it seemed like my internship was going to last forever. Four months seemed like such a long a good way. Like I had lots of time. Now my internship is two days away from being over and I can't believe it. I just can't imagine not seeing my kids everyday and sharing our time together. I just can't believe that in two days, I won't see them anymore, except on a visiting basis. I couldn't have asked for a better internship. My co-op teacher was so excellent and the class I got, well, they're amazing. I really have fallen in love with them over the past four months.

I was always expecting this part of my internship--the leaving part--would be extremely difficult, but it seemed so far away.

Well, today my crying began. A mom of one of my girls was at school today to help with an activity and told me a story about what her daughter said last night. They were talking about Christmas and told her mom, "I don't even want Christmas to come this year, Mom. Because it means Miss Smith has to leave."

I had to leave the room.


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! (Not that you're leaving, but that they love you and you love them).

Joe said...

When you said you had to leave the room, I didn't know you were referring to the blog. Will you ever post again?!?

Miss Gina said...

I'm back, Joe! I was on holidays and apparently that meant on holidays from my blog too! I was too busy relaxing to blog.