Monday, December 17, 2007

At least he's honest.

During last recess today, one of the grade one boys came running out of the room looking for a teacher. "Teacher, Preston was trying to throw a pencil at my eye!"

I walked into the room to a defeated looking Preston. "Preston," I said, "did you try to throw a pencil into Cameron's eye?"

With a sigh, Preston replied, "Ya, but it wasn't very sharp."

You kinda gotta admire the kid's honesty.

Oh, and I was helping a student at her desk today and she was looking at the girl in front of her. "Teacher, how come Samantha's bike rack is always showing?"

It took me a minute to figure out what she was asking. She meant butt crack.


Leah said...

Gina I love your little stories. Thank you for brightening up my midnight shift.

Miss Gina said...

You're welcome! The kids sure brighten up my day. I don't want to leave them!

Bronwyn said...

I love Preston. That was the greatest response ever!

Also I am totally integrating "bike rack" into my vocabulary.