Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oh ya!

K, so I just remembered. I was doing dishes just now and thinking about yesterday and all of a sudden it came to me. It may not have been worth all the hype, just a story I wanted to share.

So yesterday at school we had Art in the Park. It's an annual event at the school where all the elementary classes prepare art and craft to sell to parents. Basically, the parents just end up paying for their own kids' work ($1) each but it's some fundraising for the classes and it's a way for kids to feel pride in their work.

So anyway, we had to make a bunch of hotdogs to sell for lunch. I was in the Resource Room cutting buns and we had a few students helping us. There was this one kid, Dylan, and he's super smart and knows a lot about pretty much everything...but he has a little bit of trouble focusing sometimes and he's SUPER chatty. He kept on getting distracted and some of the other teachers were getting frustrated, so I said, "Hey Dylan, do you wanna have a quiet contest with me?"

He didn't speak a word for probably 25 minutes. Who knew kids still fell for that?


renee said...

Brilliant! Glad to know it still works!

Joe said...

I'll need to file that one away.