Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Snappy, snappy!

Hooray, hooray! I have a camera again! It was a gift from my lovely parents and it's so little and cute and lightweight! LOVE IT!! If I could take a picture of it, I would. I guess I could use my sister's camera to take a picture of mine. Hmmm...

Anyway, in honour of the event, I'll post some pictures.

Here's a picture of me on the phone thanking my parents for the camera I'm using to take this picture.

This is my classroom at the end of the day (thus the messy floor!)

This is the current state of my desk. It's like a physical representation of what my head feels like inside right now.

We made these yesterday. So proud of them. I've received so many compliments from other teachers...which makes me feel good! Emma painted the tree a year ago for part of my Autumn learning centre (for my Science Methods class). You're gaining fame among the teachers at my school, Em!

This is me. At the end of the day. In my classroom. So ready to go home.

Now that I'm home, I really need to get some work done for tomorrow and GO TO SLEEP!


1 comment:

renee said...

Looking good Gina!