Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Thanks for the day, comrades!"

That's what we said after singing our closing song at the campfire each day.

I barely know what to say about camp. It was wonderful and challenging and fulfilling and difficult and exhausting and so much fun.

I had a particularly difficult girl in my cabin who was a challenge all week. Many of the conflicts we had with one another were over small issues that escalated...halfway through the week, she took an argument about her taking a shower to the point of her pouring out her shampoo bottle onto her bed! God gave me patience and compassion in dealing with her...without Him, I could not have done it.

I had a break from this girl when we were all mixed up for our outtrip groups (where you go out into the bush for an overnight experience). Another cabin leader and I had a great group of girls that we had an absolute blast with. Four of the girls didn't want to use the outhouse, so they peed in the lake and thought it was the funniest thing in the world!

Oh, and I started a fire all by myself with just wood (no starter fluid, no paper) and THREE MATCHES!!! I was quite proud of myself.

On the whole, my cabin was great. Here's a picture of us on banquet night. (Our camp theme was superheroes). Such sweet girls.

You can see part of my cape here. All of the program staff, camp directors, and cabin leaders have camp names that we use exclusively at camp. Mine was Tango.

Here's me with one of the other cabin leaders, Hip Hop, who I met for the first time at camp and just love. She's really great and I look forward to spending more time with her!

The most beautiful lake. It was wonderful to be there, surrounded by so much beauty.

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