Friday, August 24, 2007

And the internship begins...

Okay, for those of you who don't know, my internship placement was recently moved. I'm now interning in a grade two (hooray!) classroom in Biggar, SK. Don't worry; I'm not moving. The plan for now is to commute. There's another guy from here who's placed in Biggar as well so we may be able to share the ride a couple times a week. I'll probably end up staying at my Gramma's sometimes too. She lives in Rosetown which is a bit closer to Biggar than Saskatoon.

I had orientation today and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm home on Friday night brainstorming all kinds of brilliant (and not so brilliant) ideas for lesson plans and units. I'm off to Biggar on Monday for meetings and then an inservice in Rosetown on Tuesday and then Wednesday...dun dun dun....the kidlets arrive! I can't believe that in just a few days, I will be meeting them.

Right now I'm writing a letter to Tomie dePaola (have you ever read his children's books? I HIGHLY recommend his "Strega Nona" books) in hopes that he will write me a letter back that I can read to my students when we do an author's study/unit. One of my ELA profs has been to his house for a barbeque. I'm excited to tell the kids that story.

It's going to be a crazy 4 months, friends. Stay tuned for new installments of quotes from kids.

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