Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm one of the interns...

...as in, "Get one of the interns to do it."

I'm only partly joking. But I am really excited to be "one of the interns" and to be there to do whatever they need us to do.

Meetings on Monday were good. A bit tedious at times (like when we spent 45 minutes discussing the procedures and rules for noon hour supervision...painful) but overall it was good. I'm starting to get to know some of the staff and they seem really great. Very welcoming.

The inservice today in Rosetown was BOOOOORING. As I expected.

In other news...I'm sick. Again. I can't talk for more than 20 minutes without my n's turning into d's, my m's into b's, and losing the ability to breathe out of my nose. So I went to the pharmacy today and explained my situation that I'll be talking all day and I need a clear head. She said Cold FX is a waste of money...something I did not know as I've never tried it...and that my best bet was a fast acting nasal inhaler.

SHE. WAS. RIGHT. I'm amazed. So I'm highly recommending Dristan w/ menthol to anyone with a stuffy nose.

And the most important news...TOMORROW'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! I am so so SO excited to meet my grade two class. I don't know what else to say on this subject but that I'm excited.

But now I need to go to bed to sleep away this cold. Goodnight!


Megan said...

Grade 2's are way too much fun. My daughter starts Grade 2 on Tuesday. I enjoy reading your hilarious comments from kids!

Leah said...

oooo - careful with the inhaler, my sister became a little dependant - lol

Miss Gina said...

Megan--there will be more to come very soon! I have a couple that I just haven't posted yet. You're right, grade 2 is a great age.

Leah--don't worry, I'm off the inhaler! You weren't the first one to warn me...

Anonymous said...

Hey Gina!
Aww, I'm happy to hear that your local pharmacist coule help you out! That'll be me soon! :) Good luck with your Gr 2's!